What to do When Phone Gets Wet or Water Damaged #breaktheprivacy

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What to do When Phone Gets Wet or Water Damaged #breaktheprivacy

The phone gets wet is one of the most worsed nightmares of any smart phone user. Many times we accidentally drop our phone in swimming pool. Now, what you do if your phone gets wet , here we give you the perfect solution for water damaged a phone.

What to do When Phone Gets Wet or Water Damaged

The phone gets wet is one of the most worsed nightmares of any smart phone user. Many times we accidentally drop our phone in swimming pool. Now, what you do if your phone gets wet , here we give you the perfect solution for water damaged a phone.

If you send your wet phone to the company service center, make sure your mobile company cover wet phone warranty. Mainly Phone companies don’t repair your phone if your phone gets wet or water damaged.
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All latest phones come with water sticker. If your phone gets wet these stickers colors will change. For more about water stickers.
What to do If your Phone Gets Wet?
  1. Immediately removes your phone battery from your phone. (If you have non-removable battery then switch off your phone.)
  2. Do not shake your phone and do not apply any kind of heat in your phone.
Below we post  best tricks for repair wet phone. These trick are tried by all worldwide mobile users. I am sure these trick also help you.

Take a uncooked one bowl rice and put your phone in the bowl. Cover your whole phone with uncooked rice.
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Leave that phone at least one night. Rice absorbs all water from your phone.  

Note: use large quantity of rice for better water absorption

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