Crash your friend’s browser and device by sending a link xD easy steps #breaktheprivacy Break The Privacy

Crash your friend’s browser and device by sending a link xD easy steps #breaktheprivacy

These days a new website called’t open this link) is going viral. As the website or link goes open in a web browser, it freezes the client’s browser (Chrome, Firefox, and Safari) or even it will reset your iPhone or iPad or hangs your complete device. People who received this link from their friends are really confused about the link, but the reality is not a hack or malware.

The website uses a snippet of JavaScript code that was a loop continuously add characters into the browser’s address bar and overload the app memory. According to the test, Firefox prompts box to stop the script and Microsoft edge totally handle the script, but Chrome and Safari will totally crash or even your device will stop responding. Here’s the snapshot of the secret JavaScript code highlighted with the red: Break The Privacy

Users on the internet sending and posting the website link on Social media sites and apps, and their friends who clicked on it just goes crashed. I also affected with this link, because the sender first shorten using services like Google URL shorten or Bitly and I really don’t understand what the link is about.You can also write a sweet message along with the link that make receiver to click on the link.

Here are the links, you can copy and send to your friends or wherever you want.

STEP #1.
  open google shortner or directly send the url ""  to the person whom you want to crash his/her browser. 

STEP #2.
short this url "" I have already shortened that url, you can use ""note: the purpose of shortening url is so that the person whose browser you wants to crash may already know this link does that..n by shortening it will improve your chances to crash his/her browser. 

STEP #3.

  Send to your friend a message attached to link like this

"Here’s a gift for you –"when he/she opens the url---BOom xD

You Are Done! You Have      Sucessfully…..

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