How to access blocked websites easily with these tricks easily free #breaktheprivacy Break The Privacy

How to access blocked websites easily with these tricks easily free #breaktheprivacy

Method 1
Use Website IP Address instead of URL

Some internet filtering software blocks websites by its name, so you can access the website from its IP address.

You can get every website IP address from pinging website on command prompt.

Eg: ping

Now copy the IP address and paste that IP address into your Browser.

Method 2. Use a Proxy Websites

There are many proxy websites on the internet which give you access to use the internet anonymously. Open any of these websites and type your website address, press enter. Now you can unblock any websites in your computer with the help of these proxy websites.

Method 3. Install VPN Chrome Extension in Browser

VPN is a Virtual Private Network that create a private network between your computer and the internet. You can easily browse any websites on the internet from VPN software. You can also hide your IP address and country location from VPN software.
Install Hola Chrome extension in your chrome browser and its free. With this extension, you can access blocked websites in your computer.

Method 4. Use Tor Anonymity Browser

TOR is one of the best browsers for accessing blocked websites. This whole thing is made for anonymity. When you use this browser in your computer, this browser automatically hides your IP address, location, and other tracking things. Download Tor Browser from its Official Website.

Method 5. Change Default DNS to Google DNS

Many times ISP use their DNS address for blocking websites in the computer. Changing DNS address allows you to use blocked websites in the computer. This is one of the best ways for bypass website restriction in the computer.

Method 6. Google Translate also Unblock Websites

Basically Google Translate, translate your web page URL to another language. But you can also use this website for accessing blocked website in your computer. Open Google Translate website and type your blocked website address. Now you can easily access blocked website from your computer.

Method 7. Google Cache

Sometimes many websites go down or not available for many reasons. Here Google Cache comes, this feature allow you to use archive version of that websites. Because Google cache all website and this feature is also helpful, if that website is blocked in your computer.

You can open cache version of any website from Google results. Just click on this button in search results page. Break The Privacy

Method 8. Using Wayback Machine Internet Archives

Wayback machine is like a Google Cache, but the change is you can access all websites cache pages periodically from the date they’re started. So you can use cache version of any webpage from this website in your browser.

Method 9. Subscribe to RSS Feed

If websites provide you RSS feed, so you can read it through RSS readers. Subscribe RSS feeds from Feedly website.

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