Facebook hack: Enlarge locked profile picture (display picture hack)100% Hacking Easily like PRO...Step by Step guide
Step #1. Open any Facebook profile with locked display picture. for instance lets consider this profile:
Paste the copied URL in a notepad or address bar. you will see something like this:
If you observe the above URL, you Will notice that the text in red actually matches the thumbnail size of the profile picture which is being locked i.e 160×160.
Step #3. Now the trick is to replace s160×160 with s720×720 in the above link , so your new link will look something like this:
Step #4. Now just visit this new picture link and bam! you have the original locked profile/display picture on your Screen. Enjoy!!
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Step #1. Open any Facebook profile with locked display picture. for instance lets consider this profile:
Step #2. Right click on the profile picture and click “Copy image URL”.
If you observe the above URL, you Will notice that the text in red actually matches the thumbnail size of the profile picture which is being locked i.e 160×160.
Step #3. Now the trick is to replace s160×160 with s720×720 in the above link , so your new link will look something like this:
Step #4. Now just visit this new picture link and bam! you have the original locked profile/display picture on your Screen. Enjoy!!
Sharing is Caring
please share our blog...if you find any content useful, and might help someone too, 'coz 1+1=11 xD
Thank you, have a nice day (:
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